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동아대학교병원 난청클리닉의 의료진을 소개합니다.


동아대학교병원 난청클리닉의 의료진을 소개합니다.


1993  동아대학교 의과대학 졸업
2007~2008  동아대학교병원 이비인후과 임상강사
2008~2009  성지의료재단 성지병원 이비인후과 과장
2009~2014  동아대학교 의과대학 조교수
2011~2013  대한청각학회 정보이사
2013~2015  대한청각학회 교육이사
2015~  현재 동아대학교 의과대학 부교수
2015~  현재 대한청각학회 학술이사


· 말지각검사의 실제 (공저), 학지사, 2015
· Neuropahthies of the Audiitory and Vestibular Eighth Cranial Nerves (공저), Springer, 2009
· 청각검사지침 (공저), 학지사, 2008


· Jeong SW, Kang MY, Kim JR, Kim LS. Delayed-onset hearing loss in pediatric candidates for cochlear implantation. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016;273:879-87
· Joo BY, Jeong SW. Cochlear implantation using the endomeatal approach in a child with a extremely hypoplastic mastoid. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2016;59:402-5
· Joo BY, Jeong SW. Two cases of traumatic stapedial dislocation caused by a cotton tipped swab. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2016;59:155-61
· Jeong SW, Kang MY, Kim LS. Criteria for selecting an optimal device for the contralateral ear of children with a unilateral cochlear implant. Audiol Neurotol. 2015;20:314-21
· Jeong SW, Kim LS. A new classification of cochleovestibular malformations and implications for predicting speech perception ability after cochlear implantation. Audiol Neurotol. 2015;20:90-101
· Gu TW, Bae WY, Park HT, Lee JH, Kang MY, Jeong SW, Shin YK. Expression profile of fas-fas ligand in spiral ganglion cells during apoptosis. Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol. 2014;7:1-6
· Yoon SW, Kang MY, Lee TH, Jeong SW. A case of nasopharyngeal carcinoma presenting as middle ear tumor. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2014:57;787-91
· Kang GG, Seo JW, Jeong SW, Hong JC, Kang MK. The clinical effectiveness of the minimally invasive transcanal myringotomy for the removal of early stage congenital cholesteatoma. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2014;57:442-7
· Kang MY, Jeong SW, Kim DC. A case of temporomandibular joint disorder accompanied with ear bleeding. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2014;57:274-8
· Lee Y, Jeong SW, Kim LS. AAC intervention using a VOCA for deaf children with multiple disabilities who received cochlear implantation. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2013;77:2008-13
· Jeong SW, Kim LS. Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder: predictive value of radiologic studies and electrophysiologic tests on cochlear implant outcomes and its radiologic classification. Acta Orolaryngol. 2013;133:714-21
· Kim JS, Kim LS, Jeong SW. Functional benefits of sequential bilateral implantation in children with long inter-stage interval between two implants. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2013;77:162-9
· Kang MY, Jeong SW, Yoon SW, Kang MK. A case of image-guided posterior tympanotomy in chronic otitis media. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2013:56;721-5
· Jeong SW, Kang MY, Koh TK, Kang MK. A case of image-guided surgery in congenital aural atresia. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2013:56;659-63
· Kim JR, Ahn SY, Jeong SW, Kim LS, Park JS, Chung SH, Oh MK. Cortical auditory evoked potential in aging: effects of stimulus intensity and noise. Otol Neurotol. 2012;33:1105-12
· Lee Y, Jeong SW, Kim LS. MAP optimization as a predictor of cochlear implant outcomes in children with narrow internal auditory canal. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2012;76:1591-7
· Kang MY, Jeong SW, Kim LS. Changes in the hearing thresholds of infants who failed the newborn hearing screening test and in infants treated in the neonatal intensive care unit. Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol. 2012;5 Suppl 1:S32-6
· Jeong SW, Kim LS. Cochlear implantation in children with cochlear aplasia. Acta Otolaryngol. 2012;132:910-5
· Kim JR, Kim LS, Jeong SW, Kim JS, Chung SH. Recovery function of electrically evoked compound action potential in implanted children with auditory neuropathy: preliminary results. Acta Otolaryngol. 2011;131:796-801
· Lee YM, Kim LS, Jeong SW, Kim JS, Chung SH. Performance of children with mental retardation after cochlear implantation: speech perception, speech intelligibiliry, and language development. Acta Orolaryngol. 2010;130:924-34
· Kim LS, Jeong SW, et al. The Trp117Arg mutation of the COCH gene causes deafness in Koreans. Clin Genet. 2010;77:399-403
· Jeong SW, Kim LS, Hur D, Bae WY, Kim JR, Lee JH. Gentamicin-induced spiral ganglion cell death: apoptosis mediated by ROS and the JNK signaling pathway. Acta Otolaryngol. 2010;130:670-8
· Kim LS, Jeong SW, Lee YM, Kim JS. Cochlear implantation in children. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2010;37:6-17
· Kim LS, Jang YS, Choi AH, Ahn SY, Park JS, Lee YM, Jeong SW. Bilateral cochlear implants in children. Cochlear Implants Int. 2009;10 Suppl 1:74-7
· Bae WY, Kim LS, Hur DY, Jeong SW, Kim JR. Secondary apoptosis of spiral ganglion cells induced by aminoglycoside: Fas-Fas ligand signaling pathway. Laryngoscope. 2008;118:1659-68
· Jeong SW, Kim LS, Kim BY, Bae WY, Kim JR. Cochlear implantation in children with auditory neuropathy: outcomes and rationale. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl. 2007;558:36-43
· Kim LS, Jeong SW, Huh MJ, Park YD. Cochlear implantation in children with inner ear malformations. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2006:115;205-14
· Kim LS, Jeong SW, Park YD, Heo MJ. Cochlear implantation in pediatric auditory neuropathy. Cochlear Implants Int. 2004;5 Suppl 1:224-5
· Kim LS, Jeong SW, Kim JR, Heo MJ. Cochlear implantation in a child with severe cochlear hypoplasia. Cochlear Implants Int. 2004;5 Suppl 1:210-1
· Heo MJ, Kim LS, Park YD, Jeong SW. Communication, psychosocial adjustment and academic skills of children with cochlear implants in mainstream schools: the schoolteacher’s perspective. Cochlear Implants Int. 2004;5 Suppl 1:141-3
· Kim LS, Jeong SW, Kim JR, Heo SD. Electrical middle latency responses in children with cochlear implants. Cochlear Implants Int. 2004;5 Suppl 1:44-5